G-10 Needed: 6 Cost: $400,000 Cost x 6: $2,400,000 Requires Area 6 unlocked.
Warm Welcome
+25 XP
Your enforcers need to take control of this island so that you have a foothold in the Mediterranean. Wipe out the old families, you need no friends here.
Total Cost of Requirements: $2,518,000
CNT Combat Armor Needed: 10 Cost: $25,000 Cost x 10: $250,000 Requires Area 7 unlocked.
Sports Car Needed: 7 Cost: $75,000 Cost x 7: $525,000 Required Level 12
Armored SUV Needed: 8 Cost: $120,000 Cost x 8: $960,000 Required Level 15
Hostile Takeover
+24 XP
Now that you control the black market shipping lanes, it is time to make headway onto the peninsula.
Total Cost of Requirements: $1,735,000
Old Bat Needed: 50 Cost: $200 Cost x 50: $10,000 Required Level 3
Tactical Vest Needed: 45 Cost: $2,000 Cost x 45: $90,000 Required Level 6
Base Trade
+30 XP
With this villa as your new headquarters in Italy, you can set about conquering the rest of the island.
Total Cost of Requirements: $117,500
Sports Car Needed: 12 Cost: $75,000 Cost x 12: $900,000 Required Level 12
CNT Stealth Needed: 1 Cost: $1,000,000 Requires Area 7 unlocked.
+26 XP
Why would anyone want to blow up a Ferrari? An unidentified Italian benefactor has placed a massive bounty on this rival country's vehicle, and so you oblige.
Total Cost of Requirements: $1,900,000
Steak Knife Needed: 50 Cost: $100 Cost x 50: $5,000
CNT Combat Armor Needed: 60 Cost: $25,000 Cost x 60: $1,500,000 Requires Area 7 unlocked.
Old Foes
+30 XP
Mysterious foes from the past appear under a new leader, hungry for revenge.
Total Cost of Requirements: $2,020,000
Stolen Diamond Needed: 1
+180-200 XP
Unlock exclusive items and new lieutenants by collecting after you complete a series of fights. Your progress with be reset when you collect. This job can be repeated infinitely.