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Open a Casino
+15 XP
Casinos bring in lucrative revenues. Your first casino is a converted warehouse in the alley. Despite the shabby decor, the money is good.
Total Cost of Requirements: $53,750

Steal Air Freight Delivery
+22 XP
You were so successful, that you swear, Ocean's Eleven was based on your exploits.
Total Cost of Requirements: $80,000

Become a Loan Shark
+14 XP
Make loans, wait, flex your muscles, wait, break some legs, collect your money, easy as cake.
Total Cost of Requirements: $100,000

Buy a Cop
+21 XP
Aside from never having to pay for a parking ticket again, your new found intel makes you even more formidable.
Total Cost of Requirements: $157,250

Steal Rival's Protection Fees
+21 XP
Collecting protection services from those collecting protection services is why you're the boss.
Total Cost of Requirements: $210,000

Beat Racketeer Charges
+19 XP
After some more very compelling and convincing arguments with some fists and some bats, the racketeers develop 'sudden memory loss' and all charges against you are dropped.
Total Cost of Requirements: $190,000

Blackmail the Mayor
+27 XP
Poor Mayor, looks like he can use a 'friend.' You keep your mouth shut and he'll return the favor.
Total Cost of Requirements: $1,160,000

Infiltrate the Police Force
+16 XP
The Mayor owes you a few favors. He has agreed to promote some of your men into key roles in the police department.
Total Cost of Requirements: $189,000

Move Guns
+22 XP
Now, where to store the tank...
Total Cost of Requirements: $648,750

Prepare for War
+23 XP
Gather your most loyal men, the time is drawing near.
Total Cost of Requirements: $487,500

Calling the Captain
+14 XP
Frank has made his move on your life. The war is on.
Total Cost of Requirements: $737,500

Build a Reputation
+130-140 XP
Unlock exclusive items and new lieutenants by collecting after you complete a series of fights. Your progress will be reset when you collect. This job can be repeated infinitely.