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Go to Underworld Empire Battle Stats


Gather Allies
+18 XP
You are at full blown war with Frank. Make new allies, you can't do this alone.
Total Cost of Requirements: $65,000

Buy a Politician
+20 XP
Frank's political connections has brought federal agents on you. The Mayor has introduced you to some of his friends. They can make the problem go away, but they are not cheap.
Total Cost of Requirements: $1,115,000

Disrupt Rival's Smuggling Ring
+25 XP
You were a good note taker when you were under Frank, and you know how to identify his shipments.
Total Cost of Requirements: $1,793,000

Raid Enemy's Operations
+22 XP
Light the warehouse on fire with the goods still in it. Send a message, that it's not about the money.
Total Cost of Requirements: $2,835,000

Power Struggle
+23 XP
You need allies. You need to talk to The Skull Gang.
Total Cost of Requirements: $532,500

Take down Rival's Casino
+26 XP
As the months go on, you're strapped for cash. Now you wish you didn't set that warehouse on fire. Your men won't work for free. Rob Frank's casinos. You need money now!
Total Cost of Requirements: $2,050,000

The Big Guns
+20 XP
The big guns have arrived. Tanks have rolled onto the streets. Frank means business.
Total Cost of Requirements: $2,770,000

Armored Takedown
+26 XP
Compared to Frank, you're severely under equipped. Take down his armory and arm your men.
Total Cost of Requirements: $8,495,000

Take Over the WestSide
+33 XP
With Victor and the Skull Gang on your side, you take over the Westside.
Total Cost of Requirements: $2,290,000

The End is Near
+26 XP
The neighborhood has become a war-zone. The end is near.
Total Cost of Requirements: $5,525,000

Frank's Last Stand
+24 XP
The time has come to fight Frank.
Total Cost of Requirements: $2,955,000

Fight to the Death
+160-170 XP
Unlock exclusive items and new lieutenants by collecting after you complete a series of fights. Your progress will be reset when you collect. This job can be repeated infinitely.