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Go to Underworld Empire Battle Stats
Midtown Go to Midtown Secret/Sub Jobs Getaway Car
Needed: 1 Cost: $10,000
Required Level 7 Ski Mask
Needed: 5 Cost: $150
Cost x 5: $750
Required Level 4 Bullet Proof Vest
Needed: 5 Cost: $3,000
Cost x 5: $15,000
Required Level 10 Rob a Jewelry Store 5 +$1,500-$1,800 +10 XP -8 The employees offer little resistance. Take everything you see, and flee the scene once you finish looting. Total Cost of Requirements: $25,750
Needed: 2 Cost: $10,000
Cost x 2: $20,000
Start a Sports Booking Business 5 +$2,400-$2,900 +10 XP -9 As you gain more respect, you gain more customers. Easy money. Total Cost of Requirements: $20,000
Needed: 5 Cost: $3,000
Cost x 5: $15,000
Required Level 10 Shotgun
Needed: 5 Cost: $2,000
Cost x 5: $10,000
Required Level 7 Import Tuner
Needed: 1 Cost: $35,000
Required Level 10 Break a Friend out of Prison 5 +$2,100-$2,600 +8 XP -8 After the carnage takes place, hijack the transport vehicle and get your friend out safely. The driver begs for mercy, but he has seen too much... Total Cost of Requirements: $60,000
Electric Knife
Needed: 7 Cost: $1,000
Cost x 7: $7,000
Required Level 7 Getaway Car
Needed: 1 Cost: $10,000
Required Level 7 Rob Electronics Store 5 +$3,000-$3,500 +9 XP -9 Load up your new toys into your car while the owner is still distracted, and simply drive away. Total Cost of Requirements: $17,000
Getaway Car
Needed: 2 Cost: $10,000
Cost x 2: $20,000
Required Level 7 Mark Your Territory 5 +$1,900-$2,200 +12 XP -10 Rough him up till he is barely able to walk. Let him know he won't get away with only cuts and bruises the next time he walks near your area. Total Cost of Requirements: $20,000
Bullet Proof Suit
Needed: 10 Cost: $4,000
Cost x 10: $40,000
Required Level 15 AK-12
Needed: 10 Cost: $5,000
Cost x 10: $50,000
Required Level 15 Ski Mask
Needed: 10 Cost: $150
Cost x 10: $1,500
Required Level 4 Truck
Needed: 1 Cost: $150,000
Required Level 15 Move Stolen Goods 5 +$6,000-$7,000 +12 XP -11 Ok, you managed to make it out without leaving anything behind. The cops are still out for you, so you better keep a low down until you're safe. Total Cost of Requirements: $241,500
Speed Boat
Needed: 1 Cost: $50,000
Required Level 10 Bullet Proof Vest
Needed: 6 Cost: $3,000
Cost x 6: $18,000
Required Level 10 MP-5
Needed: 6 Cost: $3,000
Cost x 6: $18,000
Required Level 10 Shotgun
Needed: 5 Cost: $2,000
Cost x 5: $10,000
Required Level 7 Destroy Enemy's Hideout 5 +$5,200-$6,300 +15 XP -15 Shoot down as many enemies as possible from a safe distance. Then escape before they get a chance to catch up to you. Total Cost of Requirements: $96,000
Needed: 10 Cost: $500
Cost x 10: $5,000
Required Level 5 Sports Car
Needed: 1 Cost: $75,000
Required Level 12 Bullet Proof Suit
Needed: 10 Cost: $4,000
Cost x 10: $40,000
Required Level 15 The Negotiations 5 +$2,200-$2,700 +14 XP -12 After many months, your attempts to negotiate a meeting are over. Time for action. Total Cost of Requirements: $120,000
Needed: 10 Cost: $750
Cost x 10: $7,500
Required Level 5 Rusty Crowbar
Needed: 15 Cost: $350
Cost x 15: $5,250
Required Level 3 Glock
Needed: 15 Cost: $500
Cost x 15: $7,500
Required Level 5 No More Talk 5 +$2,500-$3,000 +16 XP -13 Proceed to the next area to seek out Victor. Total Cost of Requirements: $20,250
Skull Ring
Needed: 1 Drinking Contest 1 +$2,500-$3,000 +75-85 XP -75 Unlock exclusive items and new lieutenants by collecting after you complete a series of jobs. Your progress will be reset when you collect. This job can be repeated infinitely. LT ROLLS: