September 23, 2013
Playing around with some new data, can find it here.
I may put some more work into it to tie the old data with the new.
If you are using Chrome on a computer, I might suggest this extension to view Emoji's.

August 28, 2013
With the release of 1.51 of UE and the introduction of SSL and other things,
I can't say when and if this site will ever be updated again. GG PA.

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Check out the new interactive Lietuenant Guide & Job Guide

Player Diagnostics

04/11/13 17:0727,956
04/12/13 21:2028,481
04/13/13 20:1528,574
04/14/13 17:4028,826
04/15/13 18:2028,892
04/16/13 19:4029,126
04/17/13 21:0829,084
04/18/13 21:5929,335
04/19/13 20:4029,362
04/20/13 21:1231,588
04/21/13 20:3034,010
04/22/13 20:5935,265
04/23/13 20:4935,265
04/24/13 20:4036,416
04/25/13 21:1037,684
04/26/13 21:4138,221
04/27/13 20:4240,422
04/28/13 21:2241,649
04/29/13 22:5644,516
04/30/13 22:3545,097
05/01/13 22:5045,849
05/02/13 21:4946,278
05/03/13 21:0746,908
05/04/13 20:3047,813
05/05/13 22:3948,474
05/06/13 21:2048,973
05/07/13 21:4149,835
05/08/13 21:3650,074
05/09/13 21:4450,415
05/10/13 22:1950,968
05/11/13 20:4252,668
05/12/13 22:1054,297
05/13/13 21:3155,148
05/14/13 21:2755,930
05/15/13 21:3056,350
05/16/13 20:4956,789
05/17/13 21:2157,130
05/18/13 22:0257,769
05/19/13 21:5958,700
05/20/13 21:3959,395
05/21/13 21:1859,837
05/22/13 21:2060,319
05/23/13 20:5060,549
05/24/13 21:4761,050
05/25/13 22:0261,709
05/26/13 21:1462,423
05/27/13 21:2563,107
05/28/13 21:3163,681
05/29/13 21:5064,107
05/30/13 22:4164,570
05/31/13 21:4364,982
06/01/13 22:2365,429
06/02/13 21:1665,886
06/03/13 21:5366,459
06/04/13 20:4666,822
06/05/13 21:1767,266
06/06/13 22:3167,605
06/07/13 22:4068,115
06/08/13 22:2468,496
06/09/13 21:2268,825
06/10/13 21:1669,183
06/11/13 21:0469,563
06/12/13 21:4969,976
06/13/13 21:5470,413
06/14/13 21:1070,864
06/15/13 21:5671,276
06/16/13 23:1271,821
06/17/13 21:1272,154
06/18/13 22:3872,686
06/19/13 20:1773,089
06/20/13 22:1073,430
06/21/13 21:3173,801
06/22/13 21:1774,231
06/23/13 20:3374,523
06/24/13 21:2074,944
06/25/13 20:5875,608
06/26/13 20:4976,282
06/27/13 22:4377,125
06/28/13 22:0377,776
06/29/13 21:5978,461
06/30/13 21:5179,207
07/01/13 20:1980,110
07/02/13 21:5480,961
07/03/13 21:3081,585
07/04/13 21:4182,053
07/05/13 21:1282,609
07/06/13 20:4982,978
07/07/13 21:4683,433
07/08/13 20:4583,861
07/09/13 23:5384,254
07/10/13 21:2484,685
07/11/13 21:3184,974
07/12/13 20:3385,360
07/13/13 22:4385,904
07/14/13 21:3086,359
07/16/13 22:0887,129
07/17/13 23:1887,413
07/18/13 21:0187,787
07/19/13 21:5788,250
07/20/13 21:0388,734
07/21/13 22:0489,232
07/22/13 20:5889,697
07/23/13 21:2590,098
07/24/13 22:2590,513
07/25/13 20:5591,047
07/26/13 21:0491,500
07/27/13 21:2592,087
07/28/13 21:4492,599
07/29/13 21:2793,132
07/30/13 20:3393,524
07/31/13 21:4093,977
08/01/13 21:2294,395
08/02/13 22:0594,820
08/03/13 21:0995,902
08/04/13 21:0196,985
08/05/13 21:0697,762
08/06/13 21:1998,267
08/07/13 21:0598,757
08/08/13 22:4299,330
08/09/13 21:3799,759
08/10/13 21:57100,388
08/11/13 20:06100,890
08/12/13 22:10101,493
08/13/13 21:52101,945
08/14/13 20:55102,317
08/15/13 21:51102,720
08/16/13 20:56103,064
08/17/13 20:55103,505
08/18/13 21:46104,029
08/19/13 20:49104,447
08/20/13 21:35104,779
08/21/13 20:57105,118
08/22/13 21:15105,390
08/23/13 20:40105,742
08/24/13 21:02106,117
08/25/13 22:40106,451
08/26/13 22:25106,777
08/27/13 20:57107,061
Showing 1 to 138 of 138 entries